9th CBSE Important 2 Marks Questions for Annual Examination

 Grade - 9 

 Important 2 Marks Questions for Annual Examination 

 Very Short Answer Questions 

01. How has India developed relationships with the world through the land route?

The passes across the mountains in the north have provided passages to the ancient
travellers. These routes have contributed in the exchange of ideas and commodities since
ancient times. The ideas of Upanishads, Ramayana, the stories of Panchtantra, the Indian 
numerals and the decimal system could thus, reach many parts of the world. The spices, 
muslin and other merchandise were taken from India to different countries. On the other
hand, influence of Greek sculpture, their architectural styles of domes and minarets can 
be seen in India.

02. How is the poverty line estimated periodically? Name an organisation which is responsible for estimating poverty.

 A. The poverty line is estimated periodically by conducting sample surveys.
B. These surveys arc carried out by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO).
03. Explain three impacts of poverty in India?

Poverty is one of the major challenges of India as more than 26 crore people in India arc
The various impact of poverty' in India are:
i. Increase in inequalities.
ii. Hunger and malnutrition.
iii. Child labour
04. What challenges are ahead of India with respect to poverty alleviation?

A. There has been a lot of over lapping of schemes.
B. Wide disparities between rural and urban areas in term of poverty.
C. Wide disparities between states in terms of poverty.
D. Certain social and economic groups are more vulnerable to poverty. 
05. What is migration? Explain its types.

A. Migration is the movement of people across regions and territories.
B. Migration can be internal and international.
C. Internal migration means movement of the people with in a country. It docs not
change the size of population, but it influences the distribution of population with in the
D. International migration means movement of people from one country to another.
06. Answer the following questions 
i) Name the group of islands lying in the Arabian sea and south-east of India? 
ii) Name any two countries where elections are held regularly but they cannot be considered as 

i. Arabian Sea: Lakshadweep and East: Andaman and Nicobar
ii. Mexico and China
07. Give some important characteristics of Northern Plains

 (i) The Northern Plains of India lie between the Himalayas in the north and Peninsular
Plateau in the South.
(ii) They are made of the fine silt or alluvium, brought down by rivers from the
Himalayas and the Peninsular Plateau.
(iii) These plains are one of the world’s most extensive and fertile plains. They are
drained by three major rivers-the Indus, the Ganga and the Brahmaputra and their
08. Explain the virtuous cycle of human development.

A. Educated parents are found to invest more heavily on the education of their children.
B. This because they have realized the importance of education for themselves.
C. They are also conscious of proper nutrition and hygiene.
D. They accordingly look after their children’s needs for education at school and good 
E. A virtuous cycle is thus created in this case. 
09. How does seasonal unemployment occur?

I. It happens when people are not able to find jobs during a particular season or months
of a year.
II. People dependent on agriculture usually face such kind of problem.
III. There are certain busy seasons when sowing, harvesting, weeding and threshing is
done.Certain months do not provide much work to the people dependent and agriculture.
IV. Certain industries and traders also engage workers for a particular season. When the
season ends the workers arc rendered unemployed, e.g., sugar industry
10. What is responsible government?

A. Democratic government is a responsible government.
B. The representatives are elected by the people so it remains responsible towards
C. In case they do not remain responsible before them ,people can change them during 
the next elections
11. How is food security affected during a calamity?

Food security is affected during calamities like drought, floods etc. :
a. It creates shortage of food.
b. Increases the prices of food.
c. It affects the overall supply of the food.
d. Due to hike in prices poor become the worst target as they cannot afford.
e. If this situation prevails for a long time it leads to starvation deaths and famine.
12. Explain the positive aspect of large population

A. A large skilled population contributes to the creation of Gross National Product.
B. When ‘human resource’ is developed through education, training, skills and medical
care, it adds to the productive power of the country
13. Name the southernmost point of India? Is it visible today?

 A.The Southernmost point of India is Indira point.
B. Thc Indira point is situated in the Great Nicobar group of Island in Andaman Nicobar
island groups.
C. It is not visible today because it was submerged under the sea in the 2004 Tsunami. 
14. Write a short note on SGSY.

A. It stands for Swamajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yozana.
B. It was launched in 1999.
C. The program aims at bringing the assisted poor families above the poverty line by 
organizing them into self help groups through a mix of bank credit and government

15. Write any three causes of poverty in India.

A. The low growth rate of economic development is main cause of poverty.
B. Population explosion is also a major reason of poverty.
C. Corruption is also main reason of poverty.
D. Many social and cultural and economic factors arc responsible for poverty.
E. Unequal distribution of resources is a major reason of poverty
16. What is BPL?

A. It is line to measure the poverty in India.
B. It means Below Poverty Line.
C. In India, a person is considered below poverty line if he is not getting 2400 calories in 
rural areas 2100 calories in urban areas.
D. In year 2000 if family was earning below 1640 Rs per month in rural areas and 2270 
Rs in per month in urban areas, it was called living below poverty line. 
17. What are the three main processes of change of population?

 The three main processes of change of population arc-birth rates, death rates and 
(i) Birth rate: It is the number of live births per thousand persons in a year. It is a major
component of growth because in India, birth rates have always been higher than the death rates.
(ii) Death rate: It is the number of deaths per thousand persons in a year. The main 
cause of the rate of growth of the Indian population has been the rapid decline in the
death rate.
(iii) Migration: Migration is the movement of people across regions and territories. 
Migration can be internal (within the country) or international (between countries).
18. Write a short note on given cartoon

(i) A lot of money is spent during elections. Politicians spend huge amount of money in campaigning and even to buy votes. Role of money in effecting elections undermine the very purpose of democracy where a voter freely decided his vote.
19. How are Riverine Island formed?

 A. The rivers coming from the northern mountains carry alluvium with them and do the
depositional work.
B. In the lower course, due to gentle slope the velocity of the river decreases which 
results in the formation of Riverine Islands.
C. Majuli, in the Brahmaputra River is the largest inhabited riverine island in the world.. 
20. What is meant by human capital formation?

When the existing human resources are further developed by imparting education and by 
giving advance health facilities, it is called human capital formation.
21. What is a 'famine'? Which states in India are affected by famines?

A famine is characterised by widespread deaths due to starvation and epidemics caused 
by forced use of contaminated water or decaying food and loss of body resistance due to 
weakening from starvation:
(i) The most devastating famine that occurred in India was the Famine of Bengal in
1943. This famine killed 30 lakh people in the province of Bengal.
(ii) Even today, there are places like Kalahandi and Kashipur in Orissa, where faminelike conditions have been existing for many years and starvation deaths have also been 
(iii) Starvation deaths are also reported in Baran district of Rajasthan, Palamau district
of Jharkhand and many other remote areas during the recent years.

22.  What was the role of philosophers and thinkers in the French Revolution?

Philosophers and thinkers like Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, John Locke etc played an important role in the French Revolution. They created awareness among people through their writings, criticized the absolute powers of monarch, and encouraged people to fight for liberty and equal rights1. Their revolutionary ideas helped the people to fight for their rights, exposed the inefficiency of the monarch and his government, and aroused the people to challenge authority. They supported a society based on freedom and equal laws, and pointed out the rights of the third estate which were denied by the first and second estates.
23. What do you know about AAY

A. It stands for Antyodaya Anna Yozana.
B. It was launched in December 2000. 
C. Under the scheme one crore of the poorest among the BPL families covered under the
targeted public distribution system were identified.
D. Poor families were identified and rice and wheat is given to them at very less rates.
24. Give five indicators of poverty
(i) Landlessness
(ii) Unemployment
(iii) Illiteracy
(iv) Child labour
(iv) Malnutrition
25. Write a short note on the given cartoon?

The cartoon is showing the famous ‘Tank Man’ who stood in the way of tanks moving to dispel and brutally crush the democracy movement by the students. It Reminds us of the Massacre in Tiananmen Square in 1989.
In April 1989, the death of Hu Yao bang, a liberal reformer, caused unrest among students and led to gathering and protests taking place in and around Tiananmen Square in Beijing. It was largely a student run demonstration which called for economic reform, freedom of the press and political liberalisation. The Chinese Government brutally suppressed the movement for which it was internationally condemned. Even today, 4 June 1989 is the date that the Chinese government does not allow any gathering there around Tiananmen Square.

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