10th CBSE Social Science Project "Consumer Awareness"


Topics: (Any of the given topics can choose)
1. Consumer Awareness
2. Social Issues
3. Sustainable Development

Those who want to get better marks, just follow these steps:

  • Make your own file by taking ideas from the internet or YouTube, few videos are given below.
  • Create your own art.
  • Decorate the cover page by taking ideas from the internet or YouTube.
  • Write the content with good handwriting and neatly.
  • Maintain proper margins.
  • Avoid sketching and use crayons, pencil colors, or shiny pens.
  • Dear children, here is just the format of your project work, not the entire project.

    Just follow the below steps to complete your project:

    Get some ideas by watching the given video of Folder / file making👇

    School project files / cover page / folder making ideas 

                      Page no :01 (Cover Page)


    (Here is a project model for Consumer Awareness, you can follow some ideas from it) 

                               Page no : 02


    ( Here you can write all the headings of your content by mentioning page numbers )

                           Page no : 03 

                DETAILS OF PROJECT

    NAME :


    CLASS & SEC :   X

    PLACE :  ( Write your own place name )

    TOPIC :  (Choose any one of the above themes)

    GROUP / INDIVIDUAL : Individual

    GIVEN DATE :  25th Sep 2024

    GUIDED TEACHER :  Firoz Khan N

    DURATION :   5 days

    CONSULTED PERSON : (If you consulted any persons to complete this project write their names here) 

    SUBMITTED DATE :    01st October 2024 


    SIGN OF THE STUDENT                                           TEACHER SIGN

                            Page No :04


               Mention the theme which you have chosen


      Write few points about the theme

    Page No - 05 to 09

                           MAIN BODY

  • Here you can write all your content related to your theme with different subheadings, photos/ Arts, decorations and all.   
  • Take as many pages as possible you want, 
  • Any news report on the theme will be much appreciated.
  • To get more ideas about your thene just search in YouTube, also you can use any AI tools.
  • But don't try to do exact same.
  • Get a few ideas by looking at the given sample videos for border designs and art integration👇.

       A Sample Video of "Consumer Awareness"👇 

       Border design Videos👇 

                         Page No - 10


     ( Here you can write the conclusion related to your theme )

                         Page No - 11


     ( Here you can write about your experience or feeling while doing this project )

                        Page No - 12


    Here you can thank someone who helped you complete this project )

    Get a few ideas by looking at the given samples.


    Here you can write the sources of reference used to complete this project, such as Website name, Books, Blogger, YouTube channels etc )


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